Soybean Prices Tumble but Some Positive Developments
19:48 | 26/09/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam) US - November 2012 soybean futures reached a high of $17.89 on September 4, but have declined sharply since then. The USDA's September 12 Crop Production report containing a smaller yield and production forecast provided some brief support, but that contract has traded under $16 and is currently about $1.90 below the high. Basis levels have also weakened over the past three weeks. The average cash bid in central Illinois, for example, was $0.03 over November futures on September 4 and $0.13 under on September 21.
Growth Opportunities in the Global Dairy Market
07:17 | 17/09/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam) ANALYSIS - The global dairy market is expected to grow from $436 billion this year to $505 billion by 2017 writes Chris Harris.
CME: Focus This Month is on Harvested Acres
20:46 | 12/09/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam) US - USDA will release its latest estimate of U.S. and world agricultural output and usage Wednesday at 7:30 CDT when its monthly Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) are released, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.
Fonterra Milk Pricing Method Approved
14:27 | 02/09/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam) ANALYSIS - An inquiry into how Fonterra sets its farmgate milk price is now complete, concluding that Fonterra sets its farm gate milk price in line with new amendments to industry legislation, writes Charlotte Johnston, TheCattleSite editor.
Drought, Shortages, Rising Food Prices for World Water Week
12:55 | 29/08/2012
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ANALYSIS - This week is World Water Week - a week when governments, environmental organisations, industry and agriculture is turning its attention to the importance of this vital resource, writes Chris Harris.
Should Products Made with GM Ingredients be Labelled?
20:17 | 22/08/2012
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ANALYSIS - The debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is heating up in the US, as activists push for labelling requirements which would inform consumers whether they are eating products derived from GM ingredients, reports Charlotte Johnston, TheCattleSite editor.
Rationing the 2012 US Soybean Crop
13:09 | 22/08/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam)US - The small South American soybean crop of 2012 will result in much smaller inventories of that crop by the end of the year, writesDarrel Good.
Advanced Direct CAP Farm Payments Approved
22:09 | 30/07/2012
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(dairy Vietnam) EU - The European Commission Direct Payments Management Committee has backed a proposal by the Commission to permit Member States to advance 50 per cent of the CAP Direct Payments for 2012 aid applications earlier than usual.
Wiseman Confirms No Milk Price Change
18:24 | 30/07/2012
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UK - Robert Wiseman Dairies has confirmed that it will hold its milk price for Wiseman Milk Group members for August.
2012 Drought Impact on 2013 Unclear at This Point
21:22 | 22/07/2012
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(Dairy Vietnam) US - Widespread drought conditions so far in 2012 are clearly a large contributor to the current weakness in the cattle complex, writes Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist.