How to Make Quality Hay: Understand How it Dries
20:24 | 22/06/2015
View times : 12,873 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) Don't be fooled - delaying harvest will sacrifice forage quality, warns an Ohio forage expert.
Temperature Humidity Index (THI)
19:00 | 01/10/2014
View times : 78,939 Observations : 0
Temperature Humidity Index (THI) is a measure that has been used since the early 1990s. It accounts for the combined effects of environmental temperature and relative humidity, and is a useful and easy way to assess the risk of heat stress.
EUROTIER: Vets Focus on Reducing Antibiotic Use
21:45 | 20/11/2012
View times : 13,836 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) GERMANY - At the Animal Health Event in Hanover, the focus was on the future use of antibiotics for food animals and how best to achieve the optimum health and well-being of the animals.
Livestock Species, Diet Influence Manure Composting Recipes
07:54 | 15/09/2012
View times : 13,898 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) CANADA - A soil scientist with the University of Manitoba says diet is one of the factors that will influence nutrient levels contained in composted livestock manure, writes Bruce Cochrane.
Vets say Fast, Effective Pneumonia Treatment is Vital in the Long-Term
22:09 | 07/09/2012
View times : 14,163 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) UK - ‘Treat calf pneumonia quickly and effectively to stop it affecting the life-time performance of your cattle’, that’s the message endorsed by vets in recent research conducted by Merial Animal Health. The survey of cattle vets in the UK showed that 95 per cent agreed or agreed strongly that a lack of speedy or effective treatment could result in life-long performance being affected.
Ventilation Reduces Environmental Impact of Housing
21:44 | 15/08/2012
View times : 14,400 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) DENMARK - A new smart ventilation system helps Danish livestock producers to overcome some of the environmental challenges that the industry faces. Scientists from Aarhus University are involved in the development of the system devised by MT Højgaard Agri.
Silver Ions to Destroy E.coli and Salmonella
20:44 | 13/08/2012
View times : 14,120 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) GENERAL - A silver-ion laced silicone material that absorbs and destroys pathogens such as E.coli and Salmonella has been launched by Silicone Engineering.
Hay Choices for Cattle Producers
22:16 | 10/08/2012
View times : 14,674 Observations : 0
(Dairy Vietnam) US - Cattle producers and equine enthusiasts in the Southern Great Plains rely heavily on introduced warm-season grasses for their winter hay needs. Primarily, these grasses are either bermudagrass or old world bluestem varieties.
How to Keep Milk Fresh
11:27 | 09/07/2012
View times : 14,254 Observations : 0
Milk can go bad quicker than most items in your refrigerator. Luckily, there are ways that you can extend milk's shelf life. Follow these simple tips to keep milk fresh for a longer period
Tetra Pak A3/Speed iLine- a new generation of packaging solutions
16:47 | 20/04/2012
View times : 16,683 Observations : 0
Near the top of every customer’s wish-list you will always find the desire to reduce operating costs.