Dairy Management
Dairy Farm Operating Profit

Dairy Operating Profit is the Dairy Revenue less Dairy Expenses where non-cash adjustments have been made to ensure that businesses are being compared on an equivalent basis.
Non- cash adjustments include:
- The value of change in dairy livestock numbers
- Unpaid labour and management (Labour adjustment)
- The ownership of run-offs (Run-off adjustment)
- Depreciation
- The value of change in supplementary feed inventory
Operating Profit Calculation
Dairy Gross Farm Revenue (Dairy GFR)
Milk & Net Dairy Livestock Stock Sales (cash)
+ Other Dairy income (cash)
+/- Value of Change in Dairy Livestock Numbers (non-cash)
Operating Expenses
Farm Working Expenses (Cash)
+/- Feed Inventory Adjustment (Closing feed less opening feed inventory)
+ Owned Runoff Adjustment (if runoff is owned and not leased)
+ Labour Adjustment (for unpaid family management and labour)
+ Depreciation (non-cash as per accounts)
= Equals Dairy Operating Profit
50% Sharemilkers – use your own set of accounts to calculate Operating Profit. This can be compared with other 50% sharemilkers, but not farm owners.
Variable Order Sharemilkers – Combine the accounts of the farm owner and the sharemilker to calculate Operating Profit for the farm. This can be compared with other owner- operator farm
The following diagram shows the adjustments made to the cash income and expenses to calculate Operating Profit.